Tool's For Photographers

The Importance of Complimenting Color -

The Importance of Complimenting Color

When it comes to photography, choosing complimenting colors can really elevate a photo. Colors can evoke different emotions and convey different moods, and using the right colors can help you...

The Importance of Complimenting Color

When it comes to photography, choosing complimenting colors can really elevate a photo. Colors can evoke different emotions and convey different moods, and using the right colors can help you...

The Rule of Odds for Photographers -

The Rule of Odds for Photographers

One of our upcoming photo challenges is the Rule of Odds, so I wanted to share a few examples to help give you some ideas.  What is the Rule of Odds...

The Rule of Odds for Photographers

One of our upcoming photo challenges is the Rule of Odds, so I wanted to share a few examples to help give you some ideas.  What is the Rule of Odds...

5 Tips to Documentary Photography -

5 Tips to Documentary Photography

Documentary photography is a genre of photography that aims to tell a story through images. It captures real-life situations and events as they unfold.  To achieve this style of photography, it's important...

5 Tips to Documentary Photography

Documentary photography is a genre of photography that aims to tell a story through images. It captures real-life situations and events as they unfold.  To achieve this style of photography, it's important...

What Does Aperture Mean in Photography -

What Does Aperture Mean in Photography

If you don't shoot in manual yet and curious as to how exactly it all works, I wanted to share a bit about some of the important functions of a...

What Does Aperture Mean in Photography

If you don't shoot in manual yet and curious as to how exactly it all works, I wanted to share a bit about some of the important functions of a...

A Guide to Negative Space in Photographs -

A Guide to Negative Space in Photographs

This week's theme for our 52 Week Photo Challenge is Negative Space. What is Negative Space in Photography? Negative space is the empty space around the subject of a photograph....

A Guide to Negative Space in Photographs

This week's theme for our 52 Week Photo Challenge is Negative Space. What is Negative Space in Photography? Negative space is the empty space around the subject of a photograph....

5 Tips for a Creative Diptych for Photographers -

5 Tips for a Creative Diptych for Photographers

As photographers, we’re always looking for ways to make our images stand out and tell a compelling story. A fun technique to achieve both of these goals is diptychs. What is a...

5 Tips for a Creative Diptych for Photographers

As photographers, we’re always looking for ways to make our images stand out and tell a compelling story. A fun technique to achieve both of these goals is diptychs. What is a...